In a not so distant past Craig Newmark had a dream of building a website where people could buy and sell items locally. Newmark saw how successful eBay was and created a “localized” version of Craigslist for almost every key city in the world. Craigslist has grown to be the sixth most visited website in the world and receives 20 billion unique page views.
Whether you have grandma’s old books to get rid of for free or are selling a 55-inch LCD television, Craigslist allows users to post anything (excluding jobs) for free. Cashmap Systems LLC provides everything you need to know about Craigslist in their newest package, Craigslist Traffic Generation Cashmap. With Craigslist you can sell more than just your stuff, leverage the power of the community to sell your own products and services while building your mailing list and increasing exposure.
With the Craigslist Traffic Generation Cashmap Package, our team of dedicated engineers provides step-by-step directions as to how you can utilize the community to promote your website, business, or brand. Since Craigslist is a free service, your only wasted resource is time. With over 20 billion users visiting the website, your ad is seen throughout the world.
Craigslist is a community-oriented portal that relies on user participation; however, these same users have the ability to remove ads. Additionally, there are rules and regulations that one must follow in order to post offers on the website. For example, the same ad cannot be posted in multiple categories or cities. Use the Cashmap package to discover how you can work around these rules and increase your exposure. Discover the best times to post your offers and how you can use keywords to increase your search engine exposure.
Our intuitive workflow provides you with everything you need to use this revolutionary service. Twenty billion people cannot be wrong! Learn how to write effective advertisements and offers that increase conversions (sales) while building a database of e-mail addresses you can use for your marketing and list building efforts. You will generate aggressive ad strategies without spamming users by rewording your offers.
Use the Craigslist forums and engage your community members, learn how to select your target audience and identify your market segment. By chatting with users and gaining their trust you can make a pitch by subtly advertising your offer. The Craigslist Traffic Generation Cashmap Package teaches you everything that you need to know to be a successful member of the Craigslist community.
Learn to design and write effective advertisements by hiring freelancers, using strong keywords, and avoiding sales verbiage. Provide your users with actionable steps that satisfy your needs. Track your advertisements and offers by using metrics such as Google Webmaster Tools to determine which ads are successful.
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