
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Squidoo Marketing

Squidoo has millions of (what they call) lenses. These are also known as web pages, and are set up to be ideal for search engines, which is great for generating traffic and business for your website. The Squidoo Marketing Cashmap package guides you through the entire process of setting up a lens, putting dynamic content in it, and then using the Squidoo community to boost traffic to both that lens and your main website.

Content: The first step with Squidoo, as with any website, is signing up for it and then creating a profile. The Cashmap package shows you how to do all of this in a simple, step by step process. Then you can set up your lens and customize it to fit what you want, and then create a PayPal account to take care of orders. People are concerned about security, and in placing an online order, they have to be sure that there personal information will be secure. PayPal is ideal for that; they are a secure financial website. You can send people invoices, receive money – from around the world – and then move it to any account you want.

With your lens, you can organize the frames on it, and develop its content. The Cashmap package gives step by step instructions in both aspects of fine-tuning your lens. You can add pictures and video to your lens, and these issues are outlined in a simple and easy to follow manner in the Squidoo Marketing Cashmap package.

On Squidoo, there is also the Squidoo Community, which is a social network that allows you to interact with the other members. In so doing, you can boost the number of people who come to your lens, boost its ranking, and get still more hits. When done properly, this can help in making sales and routing people to your main website.


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