When seeking out new clients, a contest can be an excellent means of generating traffic. People love the idea of a chance to win something. This is where the Viral Contests Traffic Generation Cashmap package can help you. It guides you through eight of the most popular and useful viral contests that can help you with marketing your website..
You can use your current website members to bring in new ones by offering them a prize (or prizes) for whoever brings in the most over a specific period of time. The prizes do not have to be elaborate; they can be as simple as a month of free membership, discounts on your products, cash back if they buy above a certain amount, and so on.
If your business involves the use of affiliates, you can hold a contest for all of them; offer a prize to the affiliate who generates the most traffic to your site. Not only will that reward their efforts, but you are sure to get more traffic to your site. The Cashmap package gives your guidelines and information on all aspects of this contest.
The next is a content contest. This is particularly good for writers; you invite people to post their works on your site, which further promotes your company, and then have people vote on all of the posts.
Among the other contests that the Viral Contests Traffic Generation Cashmap package helps you implement are a unique contest, a debating contest, and a contest to find new talent. Each of them has their pluses and minuses – depending on your type of business. If you run a talent agency, a contest to find new talent can be perfect for you. If you sell books, launching a debate as to the pros and cons of a new book (say Sarah Palin’s!) could bring a huge amount of traffic to your site – and with it, business.
If your business involves the use of affiliates, you can hold a contest for all of them; offer a prize to the affiliate who generates the most traffic to your site. Not only will that reward their efforts, but you are sure to get more traffic to your site. The Cashmap package gives your guidelines and information on all aspects of this contest.
The next is a content contest. This is particularly good for writers; you invite people to post their works on your site, which further promotes your company, and then have people vote on all of the posts.
Among the other contests that the Viral Contests Traffic Generation Cashmap package helps you implement are a unique contest, a debating contest, and a contest to find new talent. Each of them has their pluses and minuses – depending on your type of business. If you run a talent agency, a contest to find new talent can be perfect for you. If you sell books, launching a debate as to the pros and cons of a new book (say Sarah Palin’s!) could bring a huge amount of traffic to your site – and with it, business.
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